Monday, July 1, 2013

My Past 5 Months

The first of the month always seems to arrive so quickly. It is hard to believe Brielle is 5 months old. On one hand I feel like she has always been a part of my life, and on the other hand it feels like just yesterday that I held her tiny body for the first time. The past 5 months have been the most rewarding months of my life, and she is my greatest blessing.

In just 5 months she has almost tripled her birth weight. As of last week I have packed up 90% of her newborn clothes, and she is now wearing 0-3 month clothes. She has learned how to roll over, from front to back, and back to front. She smiles all day long, and has started to laugh. She "talks" to her daddy and I all day long, and lately, instead of crying when she is angry, she growls at us instead.

I could not love her anymore than I already do,and I thank God for her everyday because she has changed my life. She makes me stronger, more loving, and a more humble woman everyday.