Sunday, January 27, 2013

Permission to post TMI

I am already loving the idea of this blog! It gives me an outlet and a way to take a minute to record down some memories, and at the same time keep the people who are interested in my life to read what i have to say, without over sharing with all my "friends" on facebook.  I mean, lets get real... more than half the people on my facebook probably don't care what I have to say, especially since I feel like all I've talked about is pregnancy, and in another couple weeks i know ALL I'll have to talk about is my little girl.So I'm loving the idea of a blog because I can over share, I can expose all the dirty details, and well if you read it, its because YOU clicked on my blog, not because it showed up on your facebook wall.

I am taking a quick break from cleaning every inch of my house.. I just have this horrible picture in my head about going into labor, coming home from the hospital with the baby and being WAY too tired to clean, but then people want to come over and see the baby and my house is just a wreck.. I do not like that idea at all.. so here I am, 37 and a half weeks pregnant and trying to clean my floor on my hands and knees.. oh geez.. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.  Hey, maybe all the cleaning will put me into labor and then all this cleaning won't go to waste! A girl can dream, right?

Friday afternoon was our most recent Dr. appointment and everything is looking great.  With just 3 weeks to go until my due date my cervix is thinning and I am 1 cm. dilated. (These are the dirty details I wouldn't dream of posting on Facebook... not EVERYONE needs to know the details of what's going on "down there")  We go on Tuesday for our last ultrasound to check the size of our baby and then for another Dr. appointment to see if things are progressing more.  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting! Just think since you are already dilated to 1 that's less work for you and the closer you are to meeting your baby girl! :) Keep cleaning that's what they call the "nesting" phase right before your baby comes! It feels good to come home to a clean home with your baby anyways.
